Excursions from Aswan

Excursions from Aswan

While arriving Aswan you have too many Excursions from Aswan to do , too many landmarks to explore , Discover Edfu and Kom Ombo tours from Aswan
Visit Kom ombo Temple which was built during the Ptolemaic dynasty, it is dedicated to God Sobek and God Haroeris, Much of the temple already destroyed by the Nile and Edfu Temple that located on the west bank of the Nile River in Edfu , the temple dedicated to the God Horus So it also called “Horus Temple”

You Also can enjoy your Excursions from Aswan by  an Excurisons to Abu Simbel Temple that is approx.,3 hours and half driving from Aswan it is one of the massive rock temples , visit the Temple of  Queen Nefrtari which also called “Hathor Temple” and discover its secrets and the most famous temple , Temple of Ramses II
You will know all you want to know about ancient Egypt by these Excursions

But you can take a flight from Aswan Airport to Cairo and complete your journey by taking camera and have a photos with the Three pyramids of Giza and sphinx from the panorama area and explore the fourth pyramid  Sakkara pyramid

For more info. Please visit www.alltoursegypt.com

Tour Operator
Motaz Hamdy
