Safaga Tours and Excursions

Safaga Tours and Excursions 
If you want an exciting programs so it become easy with All Tours Egypt.with Safaga Tours and Excursions you will start abnormal tour from safaga which located on the coast of Red Sea.with Safaga Tours and Excursions you will have tours to historical places and tours to Red sea.

with Safaga Tours and Excursions you will have  luxor tours you will take the vehicle from safaga to luxor to visit the monuments which located in luxor, in the first you will visit Karnak temples and visit in it the temple of Amoun Ra and enter to The most Huge Hypostyle hall which contains of about 134 columns in two different high which reduce the light which enter to the temple and give beautiful view.then you will visit the Luxor Temple and see the red granite obelisk in front of the facade of the luxor temple .then you will go to the west bank to visit The valley of the Kings and enter to K.v62 of the king Tutankhamoun ,the valley of the queens ,the temple of Hatchepsut in el deir el bahri and the colossi of memnon .then you will back to safaga

with Safaga Tours and Excursion you will have an interesting tour to do some activities in the red sea like snorkeling tours, you will take the vehicle to Hurghada then you will take a boat to the magic Giftun island to spend interesting time to swim in pure blue water ,also you will enjoy seeing different kids of fish and  you can take photos with dolphins .

If you want to be underwater to discover the amazing world with Safaga Tours Excursions you can do it throgh riding submarine and enjoy seeing coral reefs ,and the colored  fish .

there is more tours from Safaga Tours and Excursions
  1. Luxor Tours from Safaga Port
  2. Overnight Tours to Luxor from Safaga Port
  3. Sindbad Submarine Tours from Safaga Port
  4. Snorkeling Tours from Safaga Port
if you interested in Safaga Tours and Excursions kindly send us on
Yassmin Saied
All Tours Egypt
