Abu Simbel Sun Festival 2013

One of the most spectacular events in Egypt,The Abu Simbel Sun Festival at the spectacular sun temple at Aswan in Southern Egypt, is an awe inspiring event that amazes all who get the opportunity to experience it.

This huge event is always a crowd puller in Abu Simbel and takes place on February 22nd and again exactly eight months later, on October 22nd. Crowds of eager visitors to Abu Simbel gather inside the chapel just before the break of dawn, so that they can witness the shafts of sunlight slowly creeping some 60 metres / 200 feet until the statues are effectively spotlight in the acclaimed natural phenomena.

The historians suppose that Ramesses’s birthday falls on the 22nd of October, and as for his coronation day it took place on the 22nd of February. On this reason the festival of the Sun takes place annually (two times a year) in Abu Simbel. This event can be without any doubt called the amazing light show.

The Egyptians and indeed travellers from across the globe celebrate this amazing phenomenon with the Abu Simbel Sun Festival - an extravaganza of music, food and dance that is renowned as one of the most exciting events on the global calendar

To live this event in Egyptian atmosphere and visit the important tourist places in Egypt and know the best trips,Inclusions,Exclusions and the best prices of your tours visit us at Abu Simble excursions

Or Contact us at reservation@alltoursegypt.com
